I love my kids more than anything in the world and I would do anything for them! That being said...

Lately I feel like they are absolutely terrible when we go out in public! I feel like such a failure as a parent when Joey is throwing herself on the floor of Target screaming at the top of her lungs and Jack refuses to leave the museum so I literally have to drag him out to the car. What do you do in those situations? If I yell at them, then I look like a cruel mother with no compassion, but if I don't, I look like a parent who has no control over her children and lets them walk all over her. So, what do you do? I've been finding myself so overwhelmed lately that I don't want to leave the house with them during the day. Don't get me wrong, they are wonderful and the loves of my life and are only like this a small percent of the time, but nonetheless, I still struggle with how to handle these situations.
One thing that makes it worse is some of the cruel looks I get from people in stores! Most people give me the sympathetic, I've-been-there-myself look, but occasionally I run into the why-can't-you-control-your-children glare. If only everyone understood the trials of parenthood, then maybe I wouldn't feel so alone!
Sorry this post isn't my normal upbeat update, but I needed an outlet to vent! Kevin only understands a small portion of my frustration since he works so much and isn't here to share in all of these experiences. Hopefully you other moms out there understand!