I love my kids more than anything in the world and I would do anything for them! That being said...

Lately I feel like they are absolutely terrible when we go out in public! I feel like such a failure as a parent when Joey is throwing herself on the floor of Target screaming at the top of her lungs and Jack refuses to leave the museum so I literally have to drag him out to the car. What do you do in those situations? If I yell at them, then I look like a cruel mother with no compassion, but if I don't, I look like a parent who has no control over her children and lets them walk all over her. So, what do you do? I've been finding myself so overwhelmed lately that I don't want to leave the house with them during the day. Don't get me wrong, they are wonderful and the loves of my life and are only like this a small percent of the time, but nonetheless, I still struggle with how to handle these situations.
One thing that makes it worse is some of the cruel looks I get from people in stores! Most people give me the sympathetic, I've-been-there-myself look, but occasionally I run into the why-can't-you-control-your-children glare. If only everyone understood the trials of parenthood, then maybe I wouldn't feel so alone!
Sorry this post isn't my normal upbeat update, but I needed an outlet to vent! Kevin only understands a small portion of my frustration since he works so much and isn't here to share in all of these experiences. Hopefully you other moms out there understand!
Totally hear you! 2 kids is hard to handle by yourself, especially when it is time to go. Something that has helped me is counting down the last five minutes of play. It doesn't always avoid the tantrum, but bribery alway does:-) I keep mints or something and show them the candy and say if we get to the car with no whining we all get a treat. Following through is important because hopefully if they don't get a treat, then the next time they will make a better decision. I love the Love and Logic books and tapes on parenting. I don't know though, I know everyones parenting techniques are so different, but the scolds from others is hard to deal with.
LOVE THE NEW BACKGROUND!! Oh and I love the kids... no advice from me but you better believe it that I'll be asking you for the advice here soon enough!! It seemed like ICEES always did the trick for Target though!!
You're just keeping it real :) Any parent has been there. I used to leave with Grant screaming probably every 'indoor play' we ever went to in WA. And I remember the days of wondering if I'd ever get to sit and chat with other mom's on the bench instead of worrying about Grant's behavior. This too shall pass...right!? You're doing the right thing; it would be more embarrassing yelling at them in the middle of the store. Also you're probably more sensitive to the behavior than most passer bys.... Good luck, you're doing great!!
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