Monday, March 30, 2009

Happy Birthday Kevin!

Well, it was 30 years ago today that a beatiful 9 pound 2 oz baby boy came into the world and forever changed the lives of those around him. My, how the time has gone by. From son...
to brother...

to husband...

and father...

We are all blessed to be a part of your life. Happy 30th birthday, baby. We love you!!

Friday, March 27, 2009

I haven't blogged in awhile and I decided I'd better sit down and at least post a few pictures and updates before it gets too far away from me! We haven't been up to much lately, just our normal routine of playing, going to the library and visiting Oma. Joey and my mom have built such a tight bond lately that whenever you ask Joey what she wants to do she says, "Oma!" Their bond is just like Jack's bond with Kevin's dad. They are buddies through and through. It warms my heart to see how much they love eachother and how fortunate we are to live by family.

Joey had her 18-month check up (a month late) on Tuesday and thank goodness Kevin came with us! Just like Jack, Joey hates everything about going to the doctor. From the moment we get her undressed for the nurse to weigh her she starts screaming and grabbing onto me for dear life. So, by the time the doctor comes in to examine her she's pretty worked up and I'm sweating and exhausted. Our doctor, by the way, is wonderful and I always feel so bad that the kids are crying when he sees them! When it was finally time for shots, I had to hold Joey down while the nurse gave them to her. When she finally broke free, she reached up for my face (while holding onto a piece of paper) and gave me a paper cut on my eye. Not the outside of my eye-my eye ball. How embarassed was I when I had to have the doctor come back in to look at my eye and tell me it was just a scratch on my cornea? Geez, what an experience that was. Thank goodness we don't have to go back for 6 months!

Other than that, things have been pretty slow around here. We have a birthday party to go to this weekend and a wedding in Spokane in a few weeks. We're excited to go to Spokane and take the kids swimming, shopping, etc...everything we can't do here! Hopefully they'll do okay sitting in the car for 5 hours...I guess that's what DVD players are for:)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

So Ready for Spring!

I know I've said it before, but we are SO ready for Spring to come to Montana! With it staying lighter longer, I've been looking forward to walks after dinner and setting up our patio set. I am so sick of this back and forth weather that gets my hopes up! I finally decided to wear flip-flops today (even though it was only 30 degrees this morning!) and put Joey in a summer dress. I'm gonna fight this lingering winter weather with everything I've got.

We signed Jack up for spring soccer through the YMCA and he is beyond excited. He has a few friends that are also doing it so I'm anxious to see if they'll be on the same team. I've heard soccer at this age is pretty funny to watch since the kids just travel in a pack around the ball. I'm just excited to have him involved in a (semi-) organized activity! It'll also make it fun for Jack to have so much family here in town to come watch him play.
Have I mentioned how grateful I am that we are back in Montana with our family?!

Friday, March 6, 2009

San Diego!

I just got back from visiting Blade, Alli and Mason in sunny San Diego and had so much fun! I have to say, though, that as much as I couldn't wait to get home to my family I wasn't looking forward to coming home to snow!

It was so strange being around a newborn again! I thought it might put me in a baby mood, but it reminded me so much of those sleepless nights and exhaustion that I think I'll wait awhile before considering another one! I did love holding Mason and feeling his tiny hands grab my fingers. I forgot how sweet they smell and all those cute little noises they make!

It was so nice to see Alli - I miss her like crazy! Things just haven't been the same since she left. I really wish we lived closer to eachother, but for now I guess I'll just have to learn to live with the distance!Jack was very disappointed that he couldn't come along, but we've talked about all four of us taking a trip out sometime this summer. I know the kids would love seeing Blade, Alli and Mason - plus there's so much to do down there!

I hope it works out because I already miss them all like crazy...