Joey had her 18-month check up (a month late) on Tuesday and thank goodness Kevin came with us! Just like Jack, Joey hates everything about going to the doctor. From the moment we get her undressed for the nurse to weigh her she starts screaming and grabbing onto me for dear life. So, by the time the doctor comes in to examine her she's pretty worked up and I'm sweating and exhausted. Our doctor, by the way, is wonderful and I always feel so bad that the kids are crying when he sees them! When it was finally time for shots, I had to hold Joey down while the nurse gave them to her. When she finally broke free, she reached up for my face (while holding onto a piece of paper) and gave me a paper cut on my eye. Not the outside of my eye-my eye ball. How embarassed was I when I had to have the doctor come back in to look at my eye and tell me it was just a scratch on my cornea? Geez, what an experience that was. Thank goodness we don't have to go back for 6 months!
Other than that, things have been pretty slow around here. We have a birthday party to go to this weekend and a wedding in Spokane in a few weeks. We're excited to go to Spokane and take the kids swimming, shopping, etc...everything we can't do here! Hopefully they'll do okay sitting in the car for 5 hours...I guess that's what DVD players are for:)
We know what you are excited for... Olive Garden!!!
That last comment stands for Blade, Alli, and Mason. Mason came up with it!
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