(we were in the middle of nowhere)
I'll post more details soon...:)
He looked sooo cute in his soccer gear!
His friend, Izzy, is on his team and they pretty much just chased eachother the entire practice. Izzy's mom and I had to remind ourselves what the YMCA director told us about letting the coaches coach and not interfering after we found ourselves shouting out directions!
These were some of the most aggressive ducks/geese I've ever seen. The minute we walked over to the feeding area, a gaggle (is that right?) of geese literally stormed us. I thought they were going to mow Jack over and I think he was so shocked at how aggressive they were that he didn't know what to do. So, we went through our bag of bread pretty quickly and headed out!
Saturday: Izzy's Princess Party
Izzy had her 4th birthday party this weekend and it was a "come dressed as your favorite prince or princess" theme. Jo Jo wore her tutu and princess crown and Jack decided that he didn't want to be a prince...he wanted to be Ricky Bobby instead. I had hoped that he would forget about it by the time the party rolled around, but 10 minutes before the party he had a meltdown screaming that he wanted to go as Ricky Bobby. So, a plain white t-shirt and permanent marker later, and voila! I have to admit, though, that I was slightly embarrassed to send him over dressed like that! Oh well, he loves Talladega Nights...what're ya gonna do?
Poor Jack! He was such a trooper through the whole experience. He cried when he got a shot and they pulled the tooth, but other than that he was great. The dentist that we went to was wonderful! He was so kind and gentle and is super with kids. His office is also amazing - the waiting room has three t.v.'s hooked up to video games, a huge flatscreen playing a movie, a train table, blocks; the exam rooms all have t.v.'s in the ceiling and they'll play whatever movie you want and each room is completely decorated in a jungle theme. When the visit is over, each child gets a token and can choose a toy from the "treasure tower". He left the office with so many goodies! Joey also liked it since she left with as much stuff as Jack did! The entire office staff was also great. They really know how to put you at ease and make the children comfortable. Thank you, Dr. Rencher!
I have to say, though, that as well as Jack did and as unphased by this whole experience as he is, I am still a complete wreck. I have never felt like such a terrible parent. I know - I think - that it isn't my fault, but I can't help but think that I should have done something to prevent it. I should have been paying better attention to him...I shouldn't have let him play on my bed...
I also feel so bad that he's going to be missing his front tooth for the next 2 or 3 years...I know it's only cosmetic, but I still feel terrible. Luckily, all he cares about is that the tooth fairy comes tonight! I have a feeling she's going to be more than generous, but we'll keep you updated:)
Jack and Joey love her and are always excited to see what goodies she has for them. (You spoil them, Casie!) This visit she brought Easter baskets full of candy and toys, but the sidewalk chalk was what caught their attention first.
After we finished our sidewalk art, we went out to lunch and while we were there Joey poked me in the eye with her straw - the second time she's jabbed me in the eye with something - and I think it may make Casie reconsider having children for awhile! I ended up going to the doctor and finding out I have an abrasion on my eye and need antibiotics! I think from now on I'll wear protective eye gear whenever I hold Joey:)
Creating masterpieces.
Playing dress-up.
Getting a haircut.
Finding new uses for felt squares (dots).
As you can see, we are desperately awaiting the arrival of spring! However, we are never in need of things to keep us busy. My kiddos always keep me on my toes and I love every minute of it:)