He looked sooo cute in his soccer gear!

His friend, Izzy, is on his team and they pretty much just chased eachother the entire practice. Izzy's mom and I had to remind ourselves what the YMCA director told us about letting the coaches coach and not interfering after we found ourselves shouting out directions!

These were some of the most aggressive ducks/geese I've ever seen. The minute we walked over to the feeding area, a gaggle (is that right?) of geese literally stormed us. I thought they were going to mow Jack over and I think he was so shocked at how aggressive they were that he didn't know what to do. So, we went through our bag of bread pretty quickly and headed out!
Saturday: Izzy's Princess Party

Izzy had her 4th birthday party this weekend and it was a "come dressed as your favorite prince or princess" theme. Jo Jo wore her tutu and princess crown and Jack decided that he didn't want to be a prince...he wanted to be Ricky Bobby instead. I had hoped that he would forget about it by the time the party rolled around, but 10 minutes before the party he had a meltdown screaming that he wanted to go as Ricky Bobby. So, a plain white t-shirt and permanent marker later, and voila! I have to admit, though, that I was slightly embarrassed to send him over dressed like that! Oh well, he loves Talladega Nights...what're ya gonna do?
Jack looks so cute in his soccer gear!! Hope he gets Kevin's athletic genes and not ours :) The kids look cute dressed up for Izzies party too!! Good job on being creative for Jack's shirt. Oh and 'HOLY COW' that one goose that moms feeding looks huge! Darn right the kids were a little aprehensive to feed them...I would have been nervous too! I miss you guys too! You are right, Mason is getting big! We are taking him to his 2 mo. appt tomorrow so we'll see just how big he's gotten! LOVE YOU GUYS!
Absolutely adorable! I can hardly blame him. We love Talladega Nights, too!
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