Poor Jack! He was such a trooper through the whole experience. He cried when he got a shot and they pulled the tooth, but other than that he was great. The dentist that we went to was wonderful! He was so kind and gentle and is super with kids. His office is also amazing - the waiting room has three t.v.'s hooked up to video games, a huge flatscreen playing a movie, a train table, blocks; the exam rooms all have t.v.'s in the ceiling and they'll play whatever movie you want and each room is completely decorated in a jungle theme. When the visit is over, each child gets a token and can choose a toy from the "treasure tower". He left the office with so many goodies! Joey also liked it since she left with as much stuff as Jack did! The entire office staff was also great. They really know how to put you at ease and make the children comfortable. Thank you, Dr. Rencher!
I have to say, though, that as well as Jack did and as unphased by this whole experience as he is, I am still a complete wreck. I have never felt like such a terrible parent. I know - I think - that it isn't my fault, but I can't help but think that I should have done something to prevent it. I should have been paying better attention to him...I shouldn't have let him play on my bed...
I also feel so bad that he's going to be missing his front tooth for the next 2 or 3 years...I know it's only cosmetic, but I still feel terrible. Luckily, all he cares about is that the tooth fairy comes tonight! I have a feeling she's going to be more than generous, but we'll keep you updated:)
Oh poor Jack :( It sounds like he was so brave though, which is great. And Jen, you are an amazing mom...next to our mom, you are the best (honestly). Jack is a very active little boy, and I know that there wasn't anything you could do to prevent this. It must have been a scarey situation and I bet that I would have freaked out if I was there. So you did great and when I talked to him yesterday he sounded like the same happy little Jack...so no harm there! WE LOVE YOU GUYS and are so sorry this happened.
I'm so sorry to hear about Jack's tooth! I completely agree with Ali, though, that this certainly was not your fault and I know Jack will be just fine. Kids get boo-boos. That's just part of being a kid. :) You are a wonderful mother and I hope you never doubt that. I will certainly be calling you for mothering advice. Love and miss you guys!
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