Wow! What a busy Saturday! Fall soccer started this weekend and I have to say that it started off a little rough and ended FANTASTIC! Jack didn't even want to warm up with his team so I was preparing for a tough time, but he ended up playing by himself and scored 3 goals!!! We are SO proud of him!! Maybe that's a good indicator of how the rest of the season will go?! Let's hope!

After his game, we went to Harvest Days at Farm in the Dell.
They had a pumpkin patch....

Face painting...

and a barbeque.
(Notice how excited Kevin is) It was so much fun and got me even more excited for Fall (I've already started decorating for it too soon???) Happy early Fall everyone!!
definitely never too early to start decorating! Oh soccer in the fall sounds so good. I can't wait to put Thomas in it. I'm glad that it ended up going well. Way to celebrate the new season. I wish it would cool off a little here and I could enjoy it more!
Way to go, Jack! I hope the rest of the season will go well and will be fun for him, too. Farm in the Dell looks like so much fun! (I think so at least. I think Chris would be having about as much fun as Kevin. Must be a guy thing.) I am starting lots of Fall activities with my class, too. So much fun! Happy official start to Fall!
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