Wednesday, February 25, 2009


Okay, I know I shouldn't be surprised, it is Montana after all...but seriously? Snow? It was sunny and 60 degrees on Monday and I was all ready for spring. I've been shopping for sandals and sunglasses and now I'm just plain frustrated! I really wish the weather would make up its mind and decide if it's still winter or edging toward spring. This back and forth stuff is driving me nuts. I just want to play outside!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Ready for spring

We've been having nice weather the past few days and it makes me long for spring! Jack, Joey and I had a tea party outside this morning and then they took turns mowing our dead, yellow grass. I can't wait for spring!

Sunday, February 22, 2009


We haven't been up to much lately, just hanging out! I'm anxiously counting down the days until I get to go see my beautiful new nephew, Mason, but dreading leaving Jack and Joey. I've never been away from them for 5 whole days!! Of course I'll miss Kevin, too, but we've been apart before so it's no big deal. I leave on Friday for San Diego and can't wait to see Blade, Alli & baby Mason. Gosh, I can't even remember the last time I was in California...was it when Kevin proposed in San Francisco? I've never been to San Diego so I'm excited to see what it's like. Mostly, though, I just want to help Alli and hold Mason! I miss how soft a new baby is and how sweet they smell. It seems like just yesterday Jack and Jo Jo were babies...

Lately, Jack has been interested in role playing. He loves to be a police officer, fire fighter, or race car driver. We bought masks the other day and he decorated his like a monster - or at least his interpretation of one!

Joey is so darn cute and she knows it! I am constantly amazed at how she is just naturally a girly-girl. She already has Kevin wrapped around her little finger and thinks kisses will fix anything! I love them so much!

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day!

Well, Kevin and I had our first night away from the kids last night! We went to Bozeman for an early Valentine's Day and had such a great time. I was really worried about being away from the kids since I've never been away from them before, but everyone did great! Kevin's parents stayed with them and they had so much fun. They went to McDonalds for dinner and played in the play area and then Jack and papa had a slumber party in our bed! This morning they went through Starbucks (of course!) and bought some new race cars at Target. When we asked how they did, Kevin's dad said that they couldn't have cared less about us being gone! I guess that should make me sad - or happy? I'm just relieved that they did so well without us.

It was so wonderful to spend some alone time with Kevin. I can't remember when it was just the two of us...three years ago?? He's been working so much over the past few months that I feel like we never see eachother, so it was nice to renew our relationship with a romantic getaway!

Hope you are having a nice Valentine's Day with your loved ones!

Thursday, February 12, 2009


Mason Alan Schallenberger

Born at 12:32 am, weighing in at 8 lbs 4 oz, 20 inches long with a full head of light brown hair. All three are doing great - a little tired, but great! Alli says that Mason is healthy and very content, sticking his tongue out all the time and has taken to nursing right away! She isn't sure how long they'll be in the hospital but expects to be home within the next day or two. We are all so excited and proud of Blade and Alli and cannot wait to hug and kiss our beautiful, new nephew!

Congratulations Schallenberger Family!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Baby Update!

Well, Alli checked into the hospital around midnight last night and has been there ever since! She's already had her epidural and the doctor broke her water a few hours ago in hopes of speeding things along. She's doing really well, but both she and Blade are extremely tired. Hopefully we'll have some exciting news soon! I'll keep you updated:)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Valentine's Day Art

I am so happy that my kids love doing art! They could sit at the table for hours coloring, painting, etc. Joey's still trying to get the hang of using different mediums and not eating her art, but overall she's doing great!

I've been really trying to work on letters and numbers with Jack but it seems like if he even slightly suspects that I am trying to teach him something then he refuses to cooperate. Luckily, every once in awhile I can sneak it into a fun art project or something and then he doesn't even realize what I'm doing!

Lately, Jack and Joey (especially Jo Jo) have been really into being naked. Joey tugs at her clothes all day long asking, er, rather grunting, to have them taken off. It's so cold I don't understand how they can stand to be naked! Yesterday she thought it'd be fun to put stickers on her tummy. She's so silly!

After dinner last night she wanted to sit on a chair by herself so Kevin sat with her while she ate an after-dinner snack. She was so proud of herself sitting like a big girl! Looking at her sitting all by herself made me realize how fast she is growing up and how much I miss having a baby...

Tuesday, February 3, 2009


Kevin has been a Steelers fan since he was little and the tradition is being carried on by Jack...

He was so excited for the Super Bowl that he spent pretty much the entire game running around playing football (by himself) and yelling, "Touchdown Steelers!" Joey couldn't have cared less about the game, but she was just happy to have an audience to watch her dress up and dance. We just stayed home to watch the game, but it is always nice to share special events with family!