Saturday, September 12, 2009

Soccer Saturday & Harvest Days

Wow! What a busy Saturday! Fall soccer started this weekend and I have to say that it started off a little rough and ended FANTASTIC! Jack didn't even want to warm up with his team so I was preparing for a tough time, but he ended up playing by himself and scored 3 goals!!! We are SO proud of him!! Maybe that's a good indicator of how the rest of the season will go?! Let's hope!

After his game, we went to Harvest Days at Farm in the Dell.

They had a pumpkin patch....


Face painting...

Ring toss...


and a barbeque.

(Notice how excited Kevin is) It was so much fun and got me even more excited for Fall (I've already started decorating for it too soon???) Happy early Fall everyone!!

Sunday, September 6, 2009 long has it been??

August was a very busy month! (I'm using that as my excuse for being so bad about blogging lately!) First, my dad and grandpa visited us from Minnesota for a week. Jack and Joey had so much fun with them! It had been about a year since we'd seen them, but you never would've known it by the way the kids played with them! My grandpa is 93 and was a trooper in making the trip out to see us. We so appreciate him coming! We miss them so much already and can't wait to see them again.

Next, Joey had a Dora birthday party! (Another great cake made by my friend, Dani...Thank you!!) We got a bouncy house this year - amidst Kevin's persistent protests that it was too expensive (which it is) - but guess who was the first one in and the last one out???
Then, Alli and Mason came out for 2 weeks while Blade was on a training assignment. We were all soooo happy to have them here! Jack and Joey loved on Mason like you wouldn't believe. I was constantly surprised at how gentle and helpful they were with him. (Gives me hope for a third baby!) We were all heartbroken when they had to leave and Jack has said that he misses Alli everyday since they've been gone:( We can't wait to see them again.

And lately we've just been enjoying our family time. Can't ever have enough of that!